Tips for organising your work desk

Tips for organising your work desk

Organisational habits at work can vary greatly, from the people who use their desks as a dumping ground to the meticulous colleagues who keep everything in perfect order. Which person are you? If you fall into the former category, you might need some desk organisation...
Ways of sitting office workers should avoid

Ways of sitting office workers should avoid

Like walking, sitting down in a chair seems like something everyone should be able to do with relative ease. However, far too many people sit at their desks incorrectly, exposing themselves to an increased risk of injuries, aches, and pains. As we spend most of our...
Working towards sustainability

Working towards sustainability

In one of our previous blogs, we discussed the changing work environment. From the pandemic and remote working, to design trends reshaping where and how we get work done, global forces continue to alter our vocational habits. One of these is sustainability; something...