Let’s identify your chair
Instructions on how to tune your chair vary by model. If you are unsure of your chair model, take a look at the label on the underside of the seat to identify it.
Select the model name of your chair
Buro Vela
Buro 3 Lever with seat slide
Buro Roma High Back 24/7, Buro Metro II 24/7 - Ali Base, Buro Metro II 24/7 HB - Ali base, Buro Metro II 24/7 HB - Nylon Base, Buro Roma - 3 Lever HB Dillon PU with Seat Slide, Buro Roma - 3 Lever HB SafeTex with Seat Slide, Buro Roma - 3 Lever MB SafeTex with Seat Slide, Buro Roma - 3 Lever High Back with Seat Slide
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